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Delivery Information

Once your order is ready to ship, it will be placed in custom designed packaging and delivered to you by courier. You will receive an email with tracking information as the item is dispatched, and another upon delivery.

We work tirelessly to get the products you need to your door as quickly and inexpensively as possible. We will deliver our products within 2 business days .The shipping time and amount calculated on our website is the most accurate estimate we can provide; however, the actual shipping costs may differ. If the difference is greater than 15 percent, we will call and/or email you for approval before processing your order.We work tirelessly to get the products you need to your door as quickly and inexpensively as possible. The shipping time and amount calculated on our website is the most accurate estimate we can provide; however, the actual shipping costs may differ. If the difference is greater than 15 percent, we will call and/or email you for approval before processing your order.

Temperature sensitive items, such as those that need to be chilled or frozen, are carefully packed.Upon receiving the delivery, please immediately place in fridge or freezer. If you are away when the delivery is completed, please pay special attention to your email for confirmation that the order has arrived, and arrange for it to be taken inside as placed in a fridge or freezer as soon as possible.

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