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Chakra Energies
In Our Body
Chakras refers to the spinning wheels of concentrated energy within our body. The word Chakra originates from a Sanskrit term which means "wheel". The 7 chakras in our body are distinct energy centers starting from the top of our head and ends at the bottom of our spine. These energies regulate all parts of our bodily system and influencing everything from disease resistance to emotional processing.

Crown Chakra – Sahasrara

Tipped right on top of our head, Crown Chakra is related to our spiritual connection and is labeled in violet. Cosmic consciousness and peace are the frequency to hone our Crown Chakra.

Third Eye Chakra – Ajna

Rested in the center of our forehead between our eyebrows, Third Eye Chakra is related to our insight, intuition, awareness and guidance and is labeled in indigo. Visualization exercise and meditation assist the flow of our Third Eye Chakra. Being open to our inner guidance will lead us to the right path.

Throat Chakra – Vishuddha

Centered in our throat, the center of communication, Throat Chakra is related to the truth we speak in this world, this chakra is labeled in blue. Singing, chanting and breathing exercises enhances our Throat Chakra. With it flowing at optimum levels, we have the ability to ask for what we need.

Heart Chakra – Anahata

Centered in our heart, Heart Chakra is related to love and compassion. This chakra is labeled in green and associated with the air element. Having a healthy relationship, family-love, or appreciation of beauty and nature enhances our Heart Chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura

Rested in our Solar Plexus, Solar Plexus Chakra is related to our power in this world. This chakra is labeled in yellow and associated with the fire element. It is important to keep our Solar Plexus Chakra balanced with a healthy flow, which than allows control of our destiny.

Sacrum Chakra – Svadhistana

Rested in the lower abdomen of our body, Sacrum Chakra is related to sensuality, sexuality, and desire for pleasure. This chakra is labeled in orange and associated with the water element. Loving partnerships, Belly-dancing, and yoga enhance the functionality of our Sacrum Chakra.

Root Chakra – Muladhara

Rested at the base of the spine, Root Chakra is related to survival, security, and is the closest to the earth. This chakra is labeled in red and associated with the earth element. It is important to exercise regularly to keep our Root Chakra healthy.


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